Saturday, November 30, 2019
What Motivates People to Become Sex Addicts Essay Example
What Motivates People to Become Sex Addicts Essay Sex addiction involves a high, tolerance, craving, dependence, withdrawal, fascination, compulsion, secrecy, and a personality change. This paper will discuss motivates of people to become sex addicts. The role of psycho dynamically based psychotherapy is also been discuss as useful approach in identifying and addressing the developmental problems that occurred in a persons childhood as an effect of abuse. Moreover, the four major schools of thought about addiction are the self-medication hypothesis, the stress reduction theory, the cognitive/behavioral thesis, and the disease model has also been discussed.An addiction is a dependence to an activity, person, or thing that is characterized by disproportion, lack of control, loss of power, distortion of values, inflexible centrainess to the persons life, unhealthiness, pathology, chronicity, progression, and potential fatality. More simply put, an addict is a person who cannot say no. A sex and love addict cannot say no to his or her d esires to have sex or get into a love relationship. An addict is a person whose thoughts and behaviors are causing problems but who cannot stop them (Book, 1997). However, Sex and love addictions are not often seen as severe or, at least, not as obviously dangerous as drug addiction or cigarette smoking. This is far from the truth. The arrival of AIDS has made unsafe sex potentially lethal. Moreover, love and sex addicts have a high rate of suicidal ideation, and often are admitted to psychiatric hospitals for depressions convoyed by suicidal thoughts or actions. Even driving as under the influence of a sexual or love addiction can be hazardous if not fatal.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for psychiatric disorders does not list sexual addiction as a specific disorder, but it has been usually recognized as a problem in the psychiatric and addiction literature for several decades.Compulsive sexual activity meets the criterion for addiction when it involves a loss of control over the behavior and persistence of it despite negative consequences. The particular type of sexual activity may diverge and include various behaviors. Some of these behaviors, such as voyeurism and fetishism, are addressed as sexual disorders in the diagnostic manual, and there is some overlie between sexual addiction and other sexual disorders (Knauer, 2002).The pervasiveness of sexual addiction in the general population is thought to be between 3 and 6 percent and is more common in men than in women. Sexual addiction frequently coexists with substance addiction, mainly to cocaine. The prevalence of sexual addiction may be as high as seventy percent in cocaine addicts entering treatment. While unrecognized and untreated, it is a common cause of deterioration of the cocaine addiction.ââ¬Å"Contrary to enjoying sex as a self affirming source of physical pleasure, the addict has learned to rely on sex for comfort from pain for nurturing or relief from stressâ⬠(Carnes, 1991, pp 34 ).Sexual abuse or incongruously seductive relationships with adults are common findings in the childhood histories of sex addicts. Sexual abuse damages a childs sense of self and the capability to self-regulate painful emotional states. It also predisposes the child to view sexual activity as a coping approach. Women with addiction to alcohol or drugs have a higher incidence of sexual addiction than other women, and the pervasiveness of sexual abuse experienced in the past by women addicts who are in treatment centers has been estimated at about eighty percent.Treatment of sexual addiction involves a mixture of approaches. Twelve-step recovery groups are available and provide helpful support. Sex Addicts Anonymous is one such group. Although these groups are usually closed to the public, participation can be gained through referral from a treatment center or a personal interview. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is mostly helpful, assisting the individual in identifying core belie fs and basic assumptions that inspire behavioral choices and allowing for conscious changes in behavior. Psycho dynamically based psychotherapy is often useful in identifying and addressing the developmental problems that occurred in a persons childhood as an effect of abuse.One of the significant characteristics differentiating addicted people from normal people is the aspect of motivation. Someone who depends on sex or love to survive is motivation. In other words, a sex and love addict feels that he or she cannot live without constant involvement in sexual or loving thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Normal people may want love and sex in their lives to greater or lesser degrees, but they also know that they can live without it for a while (Schneider, 1994).The concepts of human motivation in addictions came about in regard to alcohol and drug addiction. Motivation was considered to mean physiological dependence. That is, alcohol, narcotics, and central nervous system depressantty pe drugs form physical dependence. Our bodies not only develop an acceptance for these chemicals, but actually become dependent on them in order to function on the whole. The absence of a regular dose will produce a withdrawal syndrome that is repulsive and, for some chemicals, potentially life-threatening. Thus, an alcoholic will need a drink in order to avert symptoms like agitation, complexity concentrating, anxiety, problems eating and sleeping, seizures, and hallucinations such as delirium tremens.Human motivation is a very important and often overlooked aspect of an addiction. After all, this is the thing that gets the person keen in the first place. There is a good-feeling fix with which the person falls in love and that he or she then wants more and more (Freeeman-Longo, Blanchard, 1998). For some addictions, the motivation is rather obvious; for example, the intoxication of a drink, the rush of cocaine, or the mellow feeling of marijuana. The fix an addict gets from nicoti ne or caffeine is not so authoritative but can be just as habit-forming. We have even been capable to observe such a thing as a runners high (Goodman, 1992). All these good feelings are the result of chemical changes in the brainsome ingested and some produced by our own bodies. Some of us just enjoy these good feelings and do not get hooked, while others (about 10 percent) get addicted to them.What is it on which love and sex addicts get hooked? Some people might think this is a silly and obvious question, but it is not. Surely the pleasure of a sexual orgasm is part of what the addict seeks, but orgasm is a comparatively brief experience. Most people cannot protract a multiply orgasmic state, so there has to be more that the addict seeks. In fact, there is. Most sex and love addicts spend a good deal of time in fantasy, throughout which they are in a state of mild provocation. In this state of preoccupation, their excitement can grow and their pleasure can increase. Most get quite good at developing and sustaining this motivation.For sex and love addicts there is an explicit amount of physical tolerance implicated in an escalating addiction. The chemicals are not ingested from a source outside the self but are instead produced completely from within. Our bodies have, essentially, two nervous systems, the considerate and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system wakes us up, turns us on, alerts us, arouses us, and arouses us. It is our adrenalin system. It makes us feel alive and ready to engage. On the other hand, our parasympathetic nervous system calms us down, puts us to sleep, assists us to relax, turns us off, and lets us extricate from the world. It is our soothing system, and makes us feel peaceful and content.In a sex and love addiction, the addict is overusing the sympathetic system. The quest for sexual motives produces adrenalin and excitement (Kalichman, et al 1994). It is like driving your car with the accelerator pedal to the floor. A s you get used to this pace, it becomes a common, normal, daily feeling. In other words, tolerance develops. You need more speed to create more enthusiasm. The love and sex addict is in the same bind. He or she must find ever more ways to be turned on. An exhibitionist can find that exposing him- or herself is not enough, and may come to do it more often or in riskier situations. A love addict can learn to tolerate more and more danger and physical abuse because he or she feels the force of the relationship more when there are more common conflicts and reconciliations. The fights are worse, but making-up is better.As the sympathetic nervous system is being overtaxed, the parasympathetic system is also working overtime. After the addict has over enthused him- or herself, it takes more and more to calm down. Sleep, then, can become a problem. At one point one orgasm can have been enough to bring on a sense of relief and relaxation, but over time, the addict can need more and more orga sms or may start using other ways of inducing sleep like ingesting drugs or alcohol. Two addictions, that is, chemicals and sex, can then interrelate with each other and produce increasing tolerance in both areas.Addicts who are physically dependent on chemicals need chemicals (1) to feel normal and function, and (2) to put off the symptoms of withdrawal (Schneider, 2000). More recently, it has been realized that people who are chemically dependent on drugs such as stimulants (amphetamines and cocaine) and hallucinogens (LSD and marijuana) experience these same dependencies (namely, needing the drugs to feel normal or function and to evade withdrawal), even though the drugs on which they are hooked are usually not considered physically addictive. We no longer see a difference between a heroin addict and a marijuana addict in terms of their prospective for being dependent on their drug of choice. In fact, the Surgeon General recently compared cigarette addiction to heroin addiction, although there are also obvious differences.Consequently, it should not be too hard for us to see that sex and love addiction entails a motivation that is both physical and psychological (Schwartz Brasted, 1985). The physiological motivation is similar to the physical dependency of cocaine addicts; in other words, the addict needs the drug, activity, or person so as to feel normal and function, and the fix postpones withdrawal symptoms like depression or complexity sleeping. Sex and love addicts have rearranged their bodies normal patterns of motivation and relaxation to the point where only a sexual or romantic encounter will avert the feeling of discomfort that signals the beginning of withdrawal and loss of functioning.Examples of motivation for sex and love addicts proliferate. In terms of physical dependence, many sex addicts have programmed their bodies to the point where they cannot fall asleep without an orgasm. Similarly, numerous love addicts cannot sleep without a romant ic fantasy of some kind. Sex addicts can experience agitation and anxiety that can increase to the point of a panic attack if they sense that they will be incapable to get their sexual fix. A sex addict said he did not feel normal unless he was involved in some intrigue or affair, although he desperately wanted to have a normal, committed relationship. Love addicts can feel dizzy, incapable to concentrate, and nauseous or crampy if they get that their love dependency is threatened (Freeeman-Longo, Blanchard 1998).Psychological motivation involves being unable to live without thoughts of sex or the love object; without patterns of friendships, leisure activities, and sex toys; without the exhilaration and so-called freedom of the addictive lifestyle; without the glamour and stimulation; and without the lying and confidentiality. In most recovery programs, a great emphasis is placed on changing people, places, and things linked with the addiction.The purpose of this sort of guideline is to help break the psychological dependency. Most addicts are extremely resistant to suggestions like these and find many ways to justify holding onto old patterns and connections, arguing, for example, They really are friends, I never had sex in a bookstore, or I like to collect things like these magazines for research for my teaching. (Freeeman-Longo, Blanchard 1998).The love and sex addicts psychological motivation is quite strong; additionally to the physical withdrawal symptoms he or she may have, there will be profound and powerful psychological withdrawal symptoms as well. The psychological withdrawal symptoms comprise boredom, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideas, guilt, and shame. The addict does everything in his or her power to avoid these feeling states as he or she has no way of coping with them other than acting out sexually or romantically.Addicts have little tolerance for monotony due to the high level of excitement and secrecy with which they are implicated on a daily basis. They are terrified of the emptiness and dysphoria that will set in if they are not implicated with their addiction, and they fear the feelings of worthlessness and guilt that will come over them. They have had periods of self-restraint before, and are familiar with all these psychological complications (Carnes, 1999).However, letting go is hard. One love-addicted woman who came who held onto a relationship with a man with whom she had been involved because We are such good friends. Rather than facing the pain of having to renounce someone that she cared about, she chose to make herself vulnerable by keeping the friendship alive. She restructured her behavior, and felt justified because the man was a traveling salesman and was hardly ever available. However, once when he was available, she had a slip that shook her self-esteem and confidence. She was capable to avoid a full-blown relapse by telling her sponsor about what had happened, but still she wanted to hold on to t his idealized friendship, and was not willing to admit how she was being mistreated, and how she was participating in her own victimization.Another addict, whose addiction had had reflective effects on his life due to his compulsive pedophilia, was extremely resistant to any suggestions that he was overly dependent. He maintained a strong attachment to his parents, and frequently visited them on weekends. He held on to a mortifying clerical job that did not agree to him to grow because he was afraid to go on job interviews. One weekend, on his way to visit his parents and play a tennis game with a friend, it began to rain. In spite of six months of sobriety, he ended up wandering around in a shopping mall and having anonymous sex with someone in the mens room. Then he went to a pornographic bookstore. Afterwards, he felt awful at losing his half year of sobriety. He resented the understanding that he had set himself up by his pattern of refusing to work out his dependency issues. He also resisted using the phone to ask for assistance when he felt like acting out. Thus, he was avoiding developing healthy dependencies as holding on to his unhealthy dependencies. This pattern of keeping up old coping styles makes addicts susceptible to slips and relapse. Breaking the psychological dependency is, then, a necessary part of the recovery process.Most Americans view sex addiction as a disease. This has not always been the case and, actually, many experts in the field of sex addiction see this change as a major improvement in terms of approach toward and treatment of sex addiction. There are people who object to the idea of sex addiction as a disease. They claim that the label is at best misleading, and at worst in fact destructive, and an impediment to helping people gets better. This is not the place for a full-fledged review of the argument, but it seems worthwhile to at least review some of the issues as it can help addicts and those who work with and care about th em to have some conceptualization concerning what an addiction is.The four major schools of thought about addiction are the self-medication hypothesis, the stress reduction theory, the cognitive/behavioral thesis, and the disease model. Simply put, the self-medication hypothesis states that addicts have a fundamental psychological, emotional, or mental disorder that they are treating themselves with a medication that they have discovered on their own. Their basic problems, then, are seen as the cause as well as the driving force behind the active addiction. To treat an addiction, a professional would have to facilitate the person identify and fix the underlying problems. Once the roots of the addiction have been worked on, the addictive behavior will no longer be needed by the addict and will be redundant (Goodman, 1992).The stress reduction theory of addiction assumes that the addict uses addiction as a way of coping with the stress in his or her life. Since all of us experience st ress, we have all found coping means that are more or less successful. A persons use of addiction is a poor and rather dysfunctional method of coping, and needs to be replaced with more adequate and suitable means of coping with stress. When this new learning has been accomplished, the addict will have no more require for the addiction.The cognitive/behavioral approach views addictions as over learned responses. Actually, behavioral therapists have been usually unconcerned with the origin of the behavior, and instead have focused on changing dysfunctional behavior (Freeeman-Longo, Blanchard, 1998). The social learning school believes that behaviors are learned. Cognitive therapists believe that our thought processes direct our emotional as well as behavioral states. The combination of cognitive and behavioral treatment of addictions observes the thinking and subsequent emotional responses that create obsessive, over learned behavioral reactions. They then set up new modes of thinki ng that are linked with new behaviors so that addictive behaviors will not be resistant.The disease model looks at addiction as an illness. There is a biological/ medical basis to this view in that biochemistry and genetics are seen as fundamental causes of addictions. The organism is considered sick and out of homeostasis. There is an etiology, a set of symptoms, an expected course, a treatment, and a response to that treatment which can be particular for any disease, including the disease of addiction.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger by Louis Sachar essays
Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger by Louis Sachar essays "Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger" The novel, "Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger" by Louis Sachar is a story about a group of students that get horrible substitutes while their real teacher is having a baby. This book is very humorous and it is a good book to read when you have nothing to do. The students of Mrs. Jewls's class are full of polite, obnoxious, silly, and well-spirited students. When the students return to school after experiencing other schools for 243 days, the author explains how each student acts and functions. When they write poems about different colors, the author writes how each student thinks and expresses themselves. The students of Ms. Jewls's class have to experience three different substitute teachers that all give the students trouble. The students are constantly fighting the teachers technically. However, there are times when there is nothing that they can do about it. The students often start to hate each other because of the teachers' actions. The students are constantly trying to find a way to get rid of their substitute teachers. The climax of the story is when the students meet Ms. Nogard. She causes the students to literally hate each other. Ms. Nogard used her ability to read people's minds to make the students hate each other. Ms. Nogard's third ear (on the top of her head) allows her to do this. The students are not able to stop Ms. Nogard, but Ms. Jewls does when she comes back with her baby. Then Louis (the yard teacher) realized he loved Ms. Nogard, even with her third ear. Then, Ms. Nogard was touched and she became really nice. The students changed back to normal when Ms. Jewls came back with her baby. The students didn't realize that hey were going to have a hard time with the substitutes, but they changed and learned to respect people for who they are. I can relate to the characters' personality because I am very intelligent, fun ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
French Expressions Using Soir and Soirée
French Expressions Using Soir and Soirà ©e The French words un soir and une soirà ©e both mean evening (we explain the difference here) and are also used in many expressions. Many of the expressions including soirà and soirà ©eà are idioms - phrases with meanings that cant be derived from a direct translation of the words they use. With this list of expressions using soirà andà soirà ©e,à you can learn how to say frequently used sayings like anà evening meal, a night owl, formal wear and more. Common French Expressions With Soir prendre matin midi et soirto be taken three times a dayau soir de sa vieto be in the evening of his lifeles cours du soirnight classesà ªtre du soirto be a night owlIl est arrivà © un beau soir.He turned up one evening.le repas du soirevening mealune robe du soirevening gownle soir descend / tombeevening is closing inla veille au soirthe previous eveningVoulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soirà ?Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Common French Expressions Using Soire bonne soirà ©ehave a nice eveningune soirà ©eparty, evening performanceune soirà ©e dansantedanceââ¬â¹la tenue de soirà ©eformal wear, evening dressla tenue de soirà ©e de rigueurblack tie
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Response Paper - Essay Example From Asian culture to African, from Chinese jaw dropping sculptures to Europeanââ¬â¢s art, several magnificent art pieces hung on the wall conveying their messages and showcasing their beauty in the most elegant way. When I browsed the exhibits carefully, I was completely intrigued by the Asianââ¬â¢s amazing artwork. Itââ¬â¢s beautifully gigantic structure was something to die for and made me admirable. I was actually not able to grasp one thing: How a human being can make such a thing? The delicacy and perfection made me speechless and left me spell-bound. Art is one of those things which ask for no boundaries. It is something that compels the human mind to do and to make what he likes, what he feels like. This was something our teacher told us in every art class and now I could clearly see the presence of her words in these paintings and sculptures. I was not only seeing these paintings through my eyes but was trying to feel them, the fragrance of the place it belonged to, the culture and the messages it conveyed to the people. There was this one piece of art which demonstrated the mockery of the wealthy and rich people. These were dressed up sculptures of skeletons which startled me and struck my fancy the most. It brought me a unique visual experience I have ever encountered. This Art Museum offered a colourful smorgasbord of remarkable discoveries. Huge wall paintings, miniature statues and hasty sketches provided us a chance to see the most awe-inspiring beauty. Both contemporary art and antiquity art were showcased in these paintings. This was a place which was emphasizing on every type of art and promoting the old cultures being demonstrated in these paintings and sculptures. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art is tagged as a behemoth in such an artistic and intricate world. In the area where Chinese Sculptures were placed, it appeared contemplative across the room to me. There was a deep meaning hidden behind these sculptures, their eyes gazin g trying to say something to the observers. With keen eyes, I scribbled down everything I observed, even the minute details that amalgamated and produced some amazing pieces. I was constantly relating all these artistic pieces with the material I had made so far and whatever we studied in school, it was nothing in front of this mammoth sized paintings and the perfect sculpted figures which showed the perfect picture of numerable cultures, i.e. Buddhism. The collections of painting that were housed in this art museum were uncountable. From every corner of the globe, hundreds of years old history and culture was seen in these amazing art pieces. Artifacts that were exhibited included some European Art that left me speechless. Art holdings from the extensive portfolios of various artists like Van Gogh, Manet, Rembrandt etc were showcased that helped us to go back to what we have studied in our art classes. I could relate all my paintings which were truly inspired from these amazing art istsââ¬â¢ creations hundreds of years old. Some pieces from the Egyptian Era and the Islamic empire were seen in this art museum which gave us a chance to understand the insight of these artists belonging to a completely different cultures and traditions. This is what an art museum does. It brings all the cultures under one roof and enables the observers to see how the whole world is indulged in one thing together, in the magic of art, although belonging to completely differ
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Women in ancient China were treated unequally to men Essay
Women in ancient China were treated unequally to men - Essay Example A person may often comply when prompted to act in a certain way by another whether or not they believe it is the correct course to take because the outcome of non-compliance may be or lead with undesirable social consequences. Obedience differs from compliance. A person will obey a directive from a person accepted as an authoritative figure because they do not believe that they have a choice whereas complying is more of a choice. The women of ancient China had little choice but to obey their male counterparts regardless of whether they were fathers, brothers, husbands or even sons and had few options as to how their life was going to turn out. Although their lives were often miserable and completely constrained within the boundaries set by them by the men in their family, few women had the courage or even the idea to try to make things better. Those who did try to make a difference were often silenced by cruel or deadly means and were unable to make much headway in a culture so compl etely ingrained in both the male and female mind. In many ways, the living conditions for women in China remained fundamentally the same for thousands of years reaching even into the 1900s as the country resisted the effects of globalization felt elsewhere. The purpose of this paper is to explore the various ways in which women were treated unequal to men beginning with the writings of Confucius and extending into fictional literature that presents an image of what this sort of life might have looked like. The basic fabric of Chinese society was formed upon the foundations set by Confucius (551-479 BC). During his lifetime, Confucius worked as a political leader and was one of historyââ¬â¢s great early philosophers. ââ¬Å"His teachings â⬠¦ form the foundation of much of subsequent Chinese speculation on the education and comportment of the ideal man, how such an individual should live his life and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ict analysis Essay Example for Free
Ict analysis Essay It is also very easy to produce the forms as it is just paper and questions that have been printed. This is very easy task for the restaurant but if the customer number increases higher it will be impossible for the system to work in order. Ã This filing system will never break down and have to go in for repairing unlike an application program, which might have to go in for repairing because of technical problems or damage. Ã The data wont get lost due to technical fault however through human error it can be misplaced but not every detail of the every customer will not be lost. But if the datas on the computer and it gets damaged all of Fusions information can be lost. To prevent this they will have to keep back up files. Problem Description This project will aim to solve the data-handling problems of the new restaurant called Fusion. This is a restaurant where a variety of foods are served. To do this work and provide these services customer details (name and address), booking Details and table details are collected and stored in filing cabinets. For the current system the data is collected by asking the customers their details over the phone or in person. This current system has a few disadvantages. These are some of the disadvantages for using the current system: Its very time consuming to use. When the staff wants to find a particular file it takes them an unesccerray long time to go through all the folders and find the file they needed. This is also waste the customers time as they can become very impatient waiting for their file to be taken out. Ã The current system is also a waste of paper because when a new customer comes in they have to fill in a form or if a customers form is misplaced they will have to fill it in again which will cause inconvenience for the customers and the staff at the Fusion Restaurant. Making the restaurant look incompetent. Ã The current system also takes up a lot of storage space, which is eventually going to run out as they are going to get more and more new customers everyday. Ã If a customer wanted to edit their details the staff may find it really difficult to edit it and update information, as it is on paper and will have to be crossed out. This will also be very untidy and not very eye catching. Ã Also, if one member of staff fills up one form and another member of staff has to use it the next day it will be very hard to understand some peoples handwriting. This may cause inconvenience for the customer. Ã The system which is being used now can also be damaged as it is just ordinary paper and can be ruined easily by water, tea or coffee. Ã Another issue is if the original form which was filled previously is misplaced the customer will have to fill another form. This is very frustrating and annoying for the customers. Possible solutions There are a lot of possible solutions for all the problems. These are some of the most sensible and important solutions: They could employ more staff as part of the staff can only organise all the files in the filing cabinet, but this has a disadvantage as it is very expensive to hire more staff and it might cause confusion among the other staff because of so many people working in one restaurant. Ã They can also have different filing cabinets for different customers in alphabetical order. This will make it easier for the staff to find the files as they can just go to the filing cabinet for the people whose name began with an A for example. They can also have a different filing cabinet for bookings and reservations for the day. As this will help the staff, because they can go and check the reservations as they will know which filing cabinet the information is in. Ã They could also have a data handling system made as this will save their time, will be user-friendly, it will also make files a lot easier to locate and there will be no misspellings in this system. This is also saves on the storage space that would have been used previously for storing all the files. Chosen Solutions I have chosen the best chosen solution for solving the problem that Fusion is currently facing. I think the best solution for this problem is to use an application program which might not be specifically made for storing data from restaurants but can be customised to what the restaurant needs in its data handling system. Some of the advantages of this solution are: Ã This application program will be able to save all the data from fusion restaurant, with no misspellings and it will also save a lot of storage space. Also the data cannot be misplaced to anywhere as it is on the computer and as long as the staff press the save button none of the data can be lost. Ã The data saved on the application program can be edited easily and will still be neat unlike the current system that is being used at Fusion. Ã The application program wont be time consuming as data can be found within approximately 45 seconds rather then the current system which might take more then 15 minutes. The application program will also save a lot of paper and ink as the system will be fully digital and wont need to be printed onto paper. The handwriting in the current system is very hard to read as different people fill out different forms, but with an application program everything will be typed in so this will make the writing very easy to read and understandable for all members of staff. Ã This might take some training for people who arent familiar with computers but in the long run it is better for the restaurant itself as it is a very modern restaurant and so should have a modern data handling system like the bigger and more established restaurants. System objectives There are a few system objectives for this application program as these will help improve the service provided by the application program. The system objectives for this application program are: It should allow the staff at the Fusion restaurant to edit customer details as neatly as possible. Allow me to find customer bookings quicker then the current filing system being used at Fusion. Ã Allow the staff at Fusion to find customers easily, so they can attend other customers. Ã The application program should be easy to use. It also allows the staff to get in touch with the customers which is a positive thing for the restaurant. Ã The application program should be able to display information fast so it doesnt cause any inconvenience for the staff or the customer. It should be able to quickly delete customers as when they had filing cabinets they had to find the folder which had to been thrown out. Performance criteria The performance criteria is linked to the system objective as it is just a more detailed explanation about the system objectives. The performance criteria for the application program are: The system should allow the staff to easily change customer details without time constraints. Ã It should also allow me to find customer bookings without any problems in about 45 seconds. Ã The application program should also allow me to find customers easily without showing me other customers and customer details. Ã It should be easy to use so people without any ICT skills can use it easily too. It should also allows the staff to get in touch with the customer as pictures can be added to the application program so this shows a clear picture of how the customer looks like. It should also display information faster, in about 45 seconds for the maximum. It should be able to quickly delete customers as when they had filing cabinets they had to find the folder which had to been thrown out. This is more efficient and environmentally friendly so therefore no paper is being wasted and also increases the speed of data being processed. Current resources Fusion has a PC even though not used for data handling it is used for emailing customers about current offers and information about Fusion. The current resources that are being used now at Fusion restaurant are: A Flat screen which is 15 inches in size and has a Screen Resolution of 1280 x 800. Ã It runs on Windows XP and has the software Microsoft office 2000 right now which is quite old and doesnt have a lot features. Ã It is of the brand Samsung, which is quite popular for PCs. The internet connection is DSL, which is faster than the normal internet connections available. Hardware The hardware in a computer is equipment involved in the function of a computer. Computer hardware consists of parts that can be physically handled. The functions of these components are usually divided into three main categories: input, output, and storage. Software Computer software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform tasks on a computer system. The term includes application software such as word processors which perform productive tasks for users, system software such as operating systems, which interface with hardware to provide the necessary services for application software, and middleware which controls and co-ordinates distributed systems.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gods of Management :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Gods of Management The author, in the Gods of Management, attempts to classify four distinct management cultures that exist within all organizations. The author further uses the ancient Greek gods to symbolize these management cultures or philosophies. There are four types of management cultures or philosophies present within all organizations. The four cultures are the club (Zeus), role (Apollo), task (Athena), and existential (Dionysus) cultures. The first culture the author discusses is the club or Zeus culture. The author uses a spider web to represent the club culture. ââ¬Å"[T]he lines radiating out from the centerâ⬠represent ââ¬Å"divisions of work based on functions or productsâ⬠(Handy p. 14). The most important lines however ââ¬Å"are the encircling [lines], the ones that surround the spider in the middle, for these are the lines of power and influence, losing importance as they go farther from the center. The relationship with the spider matters more in this culture than does any formal title or position descriptionâ⬠(Handy p.14). The author also maintains that this type of culture is excellent for ââ¬Å"speed of decisionsâ⬠(Handy p. 15). However, the author also informs the reader that because of itââ¬â¢s speed, quality is dependent upon Zeus and his inner circle. This results in an emphasis being placed upon the selection and succession of Zeus. The club culture achieves its speed through empathy. This in turn leads to very little documentation within the organization and face to face meetings between Zeus and his subordinates or contacts. Furthermore, this culture is dependent upon networks of ââ¬Å"friendships, old boys, and comradesâ⬠(Hardy p.16). Because of the high level of trust, the author asserts that this type of organization is cheap to operate. The only costs incurred in this type of organization are those of phone and travel expenses. In essence, these types of organizations value the individual, give him or her free rein, and reward their efforts. The second type of culture that the author discusses is the role or Apollo culture. This type of culture bases its approach on the definition of the role or the job to be done. The symbol the author uses to represent this type of culture is a Greek temple. The pillars of the temple represent the functions and divisions in an organization. ââ¬Å"The pillars are joined managerially only at the top, the pediment, where the heads of the functions and divisions join together to form the board,
Monday, November 11, 2019
Response Paper : Purposes Of Schooling
In reading the articles that we have covered in category, there is one inquiry that comes to mind. Why? What is the intent of schooling and why do we analyze it? The reply to this is non really simple and it requires a organic structure of work from many different writers to seek to reply to the full. But unfortunately, this is what I seek to make with my essay in which I will compare and contrast several articles written by outstanding experts on Education such as Alfred Kohn, Philip Jackson, Patricia Carini, Barbara Rogoff, and John Dewey. There are many people who frequently assume that Education is an unreal thing created for grounds that are out of our control. But through the usage of these articles and my ain pertinent experience, I seek to show that acquisition, and schooling by extension, are non at all unreal and organize a important portion of our development as worlds ; the intent of schooling is hence to assistance in our already natural procedure of acquisition and cont ribute to it meaningfully. Let us therefore get down by analysing each writer ââ¬Ës chief points. Carini argues that through observation we can come to see the function that instruction dramas in the lives of kids. She therefore says that kids should be, ââ¬Å" Understood as active and open-ended, [ like ] us at any minute in our lives, and in all taken together, a complex [ image ] of weaknesss and virtuousnesss, of strengths and exposures. It seems to me that this is what makes us interesting and what makes instruction ( and non developing ) a possibility â⬠( Carini, 64 ) . It is of import to observe that she highlights the difference between instruction and preparation, something that most people frequently equate school to. The following writer, Rogoff, attempts to demo us how school is a natural continuance of larning that begins from birth by giving us assorted illustrations from assorted civilizations to drive the point place. She says that, ââ¬Å" The leaning to seek propinquity to and engag ement with their seniors aids immature kids everyplace in larning about the activities of the individual who is followed â⬠( Rogoff, 289 ) . This quotation mark shows us how some kids learn, through engagement and engagement with other members of their household. These first two writers focus the bulk of their several articles on analysing why schools exist and how this affects the kids in it. They ponder largely upon the intents of school in general. Herein we will discourse what this means. These two writers are in kernel doing the same point while reasoning from two different points of position. Rogoff argues that schooling is the right and natural continuance of larning and although schools must accommodate to each kid ââ¬Ës method of acquisition, it however emphasizes rational development in a faster and more structured manner, as opposed to the cultural methods she references. Her chief point is besides borne out of her position that merely as kids learn through guided engagement in cultural enterprises, so excessively must this method be used when it comes to structured school acquisition. It is the most natural method of larning and creates schools that merely mimic natural procedures of larning. Therefore, schooling in her head is merely a more structured manner of traveling through the procedure of larning which already occurs of course. The statement made by Carini is that of detecting kids and seeing how they act both in and out of school, to accurately see a image of them as persons and more significantly, bookmans. Schools are hence merely a normal continuation of society for Carini, a topographic point in which kids should be watched and dealt with in a specific mode harmonizing to how they learn and develop. Consequently, it becomes clear that the point that she tries to do is that of analysing kids decently in order to see their accomplishments and aptitudes highlighted in footings of acquisition, so that they may go better persons. This so leads us to our following three writers whose articles attempt to non merely analyze the relationship that childs have with school and why schools exist, but besides the specific methods of instruction. One of the first writers who begins to analyse the function of schooling is society is Jackson who in his article efforts to analyse the schoolroom, seeing how such a great portion of our twenty-four hours as kids is spent at that place. He summarizes the chief focal point of his essay like so: ââ¬Å" In three major ways them ââ¬â as members of crowds, as possible receivers of congratulations or rebuke, and as pawns of institutional governments ââ¬â pupils are confronted with facets of world that at least during their childhood are comparatively confined to the hours spent in schoolrooms. True, similar conditions are encountered in other environments â⬠( Jackson, 10-11 ) . The of import portion of this quotation mark is the fact that the three facets mentioned by the writer are as he said, ââ¬Å" facets of world â⬠. As a consequence, we can get down to see his chief point that classrooms fix the young person of our state for the existent universe. But doubtless as instruction continues, the procedure becomes more complex and thereby leads us to the following writer, Dewey. This educational expert argues that schools degenerate in a sense from topographic points where acquisition is the exclusive end to topographic points of competition and criterions. This he explains by stating that, ââ¬Å" This mental wont which reflects the societal scene subsidiaries instruction and societal agreements to stratifications based on mean gross lower statuss and high qualities â⬠( Dewey, 20 ) . He shows us by extension that this is the world of school as it stands but it is non, by any stretch of the imaginativeness, the existent intent of it. This so leads us to the 3rd writer that grapples with this issue, Kohn, who besides highlights a lack in the school system which undermines the whole intent of its being. He says: ââ¬Å" The truth is that the job is non merely penalties but besides wagess, non bad classs but the accent on rating per Se. Anyth ing that gets kids to believe chiefly about their public presentation will sabotage their involvement in larning, their desire to be challenged, and finally the extent of their accomplishment â⬠( Kohn, 159 ) . All these points form a basic statement clear uping what the intent of instruction is, an statement that we will further analyse in the following subdivision. What do these writer ââ¬Ës theses have in common? In Jackson ââ¬Ës except we see what the writer sees as the intent of schooling but the other two writers address the subject otherwise by stressing the mistakes with the current system and how this is incongruous with what the end of instruction should be. Jackson toys with the thought that schoolrooms are a simulacrum of existent life that easy diffuses this fact to the kids through the old ages and hence helps to fix them for life. This is an idealised position of instruction because as Dewey and Kohn point out, the system has gone amiss. They point out the defects in the system and how this has changed the current educational ends and affected us negatively through the usage of extended scaling, inordinate testing, extrinsic motives, and ranking systems. What so do all these writer ââ¬Ës statements connote? The first two writers focused more on the ground why schools exists and should, while the last three writers we covered tended to concentrate more on how the educational system tallies and should be running and how this affects the pupils. For that ground, the deductions of their statements are important. They show us how school should ideally be and so portray the actuality of it and what that inspires in me, and hopefully all the readers, is disgust. We should be perfectly huffy and aghast with the current province of our educational system which has become increasing politicized and has lost its planetary border. I can talk to this as a merchandise of this really same system, which got progressively more oppress0ve and head numbing as the old ages went on. But that should non be the manner it is, because instruction is our hereafter and by altering the system into this more regulated and standardized from of its old ego, we are making more injury than good. This essay and these ar ticles should be seen as a call to action in order to change by reversal this perfectly exasperating procedure and to reform the current intent of schooling which is now an unreal creative activity. The chief statements made by these writers can sum up the intent of schooling as a natural attack to larning in a structured environment that Fosters larning, creativeness, imaginativeness, and find and does non concentrate on methods which emphasize nil but conformance to averageness. To better understand how influential this new intent of schooling would be, I must uncover a spot about myself. The fact of the affair is that I did pre-K to 1st class in Colombia and when I came to the United States, things were radically different. For starting motors, things in Colombia were every bit usual, structured for basic nucleus categories such as Writing and Math but in every other category we had a really broad scope of freedom that I could merely compare to my recent visit to Far Hills Country Day School. This private school sets itself apart from most public schools by offering a different method of larning for the pupils which includes giving them greater freedom to travel approximately and speak and interact with things in the schoolroom while still keeping subject. To be honest, I truly enjoyed watching those childs because it reminded me greatly of my schooling in Colombia which was set up in a really similar manner with a batch of cultural enrichment plans. But as a point of comparing, I can merely raise up memories from my first two old ages of schooling in the United States. Thingss were really different for me as I had grown up in a theoretical account that allowed me greater freedoms. I now had to hold a hall base on balls, and a bathroom base on balls and mark in and out of the schoolroom in my typically big 2nd class script and had assigned seats fro the whole twelvemonth and to be in categories with a really stiff construction that made me suffering for the first few months. Although it did non smother my English linguistic communication acquisition as that was indispensable for societal interaction, it did hold a negative impact on my mathematical accomplishments seeing how I was non used to this stiff system. That summer I had to even travel to summer school. Furthermore, I can state that 2nd class in the U.S was the first clip I was introduced to a system of standardised classs for the lower classs and even a system of honor axial rotation ; I was wholly alienated. Therefore, I must state that I extremely agree with the writers here who suggest that acquisition and school should be founded upon more natural and unconditioned methods of larning which allows for greater freedom and therefore a better scholastic public presentation for childs. In decision, what we have seen is how several different writers analyze what the intent and importance of school is in our modern society. And it is through the lens of their articles that I have analyzed my ain school experience and have come to hold with them in what the intent of school should be. I agree that school should non be so stiffly structured and that the intent of schooling is to mime the natural procedure in which a kid learns because this will mind better consequences. What does this imply? To take action! Our current educational system is rapidly being eroded and replaced by something that some old ages ago, writers such as George Orwell or Aldous Huxley would hold called oppressive. We must take action and battle against the current system that seeks to do school more structured, more strict, and overall, more unreal. An antithesis to what a existent instruction should be. The intent of schooling is to inform and to animate and through this essay I hope I have done nil less but to fuel your choler against the current system of incompetency and bureaucratic averageness and to do you recognize that larning and instruction is non a job ; its intent is to do you a better person. Beginnings: Carini, P. ( 2000 ) . A missive to parents and instructors on some ways of looking at and reflecting kids. In M. Himley & A ; P.F. Carini ( Eds. ) , From another angle: Children ââ¬Ës strengths and school criterions, pp. 56-64. New York: Teachers College Press. Rogoff, B. ( 2003 ) The cultural nature of human development. Chapter 8 ââ¬Å" Learning through guided engagement in human enterprises. Oxford University Press. Kohn, A. ( 1999 ) . Punished by wagess. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Pp. 142-159. Dewey, J. ( 1922/1966 ) . Individuality, equality and high quality. In J. Ratner ( Ed. ) , Education today. ( pp. 171-177 ) . New York: Macmillan. Jackson, P. W. ( 1968/1990 ) . Life in Classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press. Chapter 1 ( 3-37 ) . My ain experience.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Numismatics – Gupta Coins
Introduction The story of coins is interwoven with the history of mankind. To trace its story, one has to look back to the remote past. When people settled in localities and the communities grew in size, the exchange of products became a necessity; then the mutual exchange of things took the shape of trade and the system of barter was evolved. In course of time, certain commodities got preference over others and a higher value was attached to them. They assumed the character of a medium of exchange and got a standard by which the value of other things was estimated. Thus emerged the notion of the unit of value. This was the first step towards the evolution of coinage. The reconstruction of ancient Indian history necessitates the importance of archaeological evidences of a particular period. Amongst the various archaeological sources the numismatical evidences are of prime importance. ââ¬ËNumismaticsââ¬â¢ is generally known as ââ¬Ëthe study of old coinsââ¬â¢ which are used for the reconstruction of ancient Indian history. The reign of the Guptas in Indian history is a fascinating one. As a matter of fact, it saw a prosperous and plentiful life. Towards the beginning of the 4th century A. D. , the dynasty of the Gupta emperors rose out of a small principality, situated somewhere in Eastern Uttar Pradesh or Bihar; and it lasted for more than two centuries. The founder of the dynasty was Sri Gupta. It was the most renowned, prosperous, ever progressing and self sufficient dynasty in ancient Indian history. This dynasty produced emperors of class who not only expanded and consolidated the political power of India but also administered excellent economic and administrative techniques which led to happy social living during their reign. As compared to the empire of the Mauryas, the Gupta empire was less extensive, but more enduring than that of the Mauryas. This period of the Guptas is known as ââ¬Ëthe classical age of Indian historyââ¬â¢ because this period witnessed the growth of arts and sciences in all the conceivable branches of learning. Almost all Gupta rulers issued their own coins. The coins of the Gupta rulers are very useful for the reconstruction of their history. Features of the Gupta Coins The Gupta coins had certain remarkable features; which were originally an idea of the Guptas themselves. These features were more or less similar throughout the rule of different Gupta emperors. The coins are classified into 4 groups:- Gupta gold coins Gupta silver coins Gupta copper coins Gupta lead coins The Gupta emperor chiefly issued gold coins. They issued them in such a large number that a contemporary poet has rightly termed the phenomenon as ââ¬Å"_a reign of gold_â⬠. The earlier gold coins of the Guptas were deeply influenced by the coinage of the later Kushanas. But the later Gupta coinage show more superiority in their execution, and they are considerably original in their style. The influence of the Kushana coins on the early coins of the Guptas is seen especially in their dress and posture as depicted on their coins. For e. g. the early coins of the Guptas show the standing king at the altar. This is very much similar in pose and posture of the kings as shown of the Kushana coins. The king on these coins is seen wearing the Kushana long coat and trouser of the Kushana pattern or replace by Indian dhoti and form was changed as the king is shown bare- bodied. The Guptas retained the method of placing the name of the king perpendicularly in Chinese fashion on the left hand. They placed the circular Brahmi inscription around the king. On the reverse side of the early coins of the Gupta rulers, Greek goddess Ardokshowas retained. Gradually, this pattern was changed, and Lakshmi, an Indian goddess with a lotus in her hand is depicted on the coin. On some coins she is shown seated on a throne and on some others seated on a lotus. The archer type coins of the Guptas are the most commonly issued coins by all the rulers of the Gupta dynasty. These coins generally show the king holding a bow in his left hand. Sometimes the king also holds an arrow in his right hand. Another remarkable feature of these coins was the use of significant symbols and accompaniments like trees, alters, tulsi plant, dwarf, garuda, bows and arrows, animals like tiger, lion, horse, elephant, peacock, etc. These elements added more meaning to the coins and also reflected the artistic approach of the Guptas. Another interesting feature was the variety and sub- variety found in each type of coin issued by the different emperors. Also the debasement of the silver metal was an interesting and innovative feature which reflected the development of science in this age. Also, the art of writing which is depicted by the legends inscribed on these coins show that the literature of that period was at its peak and Sanskrit was a well researched language. Thus, the use of Sanskrit and the art of calligraphy marked an important feature of the Gupta coins. Coins of Samudragupta Samudragupta ruled from 335 A. D to 380 A. D. The title ââ¬ËSamudraguptaââ¬â¢ meant that he was protected by the sea up to which his dominion extended. He was famous for his campaigns and conquests which earned him the title of ââ¬Ë_Indian Napoleon_ââ¬â¢. He expanded the Gupta Empire in all spheres from political, economical to cultural aspects. Samudragupta inaugurated a new idea in the history of Indian numismatics. He issued as many as 8 different types of coins in pure gold. He learnt the technique of minting coins from the foreign rulers who brought the techniques with them and then he added his own creative sensibilities and thereby evolved an indigenous pattern of coins which was acclaimed to be the best coins. Standard Type It is the earliest and the most common type of the Gupta coins. On the obverse the king is shown standing. A halo can be seen around his head. The dress like coat and trousers recall the Kushana influence. He is also seen wearing a long, rope necklace and earrings. He holds a standard in his left hand and sprinkles incense on the altar with his right hand. Besides the altar there is a garuda. The word Samudragupta is engraved on it along with a legend in the honour of the king. On the reverse, goddess Lakshmi is shown. She is seated on a throne, has ornaments and is seen holding a cornucopia- a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Her feet rest on a lotus. The legend of Parakrama is inscribed on the reverse side of these coins. Chandragupta Type The name of these coins is Chandragupta type because on the observe we see Chandragupta I and his queen Kumaradevi. This type is also called as Dynastic King and Queen Type. A halo is seen around the kingââ¬â¢s head. He is holding a staff. On the left is the legend, Kumaradevi or Shrikumaradevi. On the reverse, goddess Durga is seated on a lion holding a cornucopia in her left hand and a lotus in the right hand. The legend is ââ¬Ë_licchavi_ââ¬â¢, it suggest of a special honour in which licchavi was placed by Samudragupta. He takes pride in his inscription to proclaim Licchavi Dauhitra. Archer Type Coins of the Archer Type of Samudragupta are very rare. They are frequently mistaken for the common Archer Type coins of Chandragupta II. From a study of their design, style, and fabric ââ¬â it's apparent that these coins were struck during the early stages of Gupta Empire while the mint masters were still trying to refine the styling and design. King Samudragupta is shown as a young man on all of the coins of this type (as compared to coins of the Lyrist type where he is shown as an older person). These coins were most definitely struck during the early stage of his campaign to conquer majority of the neighbouring Kingdoms to unite them under a new unified Empire ââ¬â the start of what was to finally become the magnificent Gupta Empire. On the observe, the king is shown standing. He holds a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand. A garuda standard is on his left. The reverse shows a seated Lakshmi. Battle Axe Type Usually, these coins are found in much worn condition. During Samudraguptaââ¬â¢s early reign, while he was conquering all of the kingdoms from the North to the South, East and West, this type of coin must have been a very popular form of advertising the King's prowess and an excellent way to send a message to the unconquered regions of the upcoming siege. The Allahabad Pillar Inscription does not contain the description of Samudragupta as Kritantaparasuh, Battle-axe of the God of Death, although the epithet is invariably applied to him in later official documents. This type obviously celebrates Samudraguptaââ¬â¢s many successful battles and showcases his military might. In this coin type, he holds a battle axe in place of a standard with one hand and his other hand is usually on his waist. In place of an altar (as shown on the Standard Type), there is a dwarf holding a crescent-topped banner. The circular legend on the obverse is Kritanataparasur-jayatya jita rajajetajitah; it describes the irresistible prowess of the emporer and states that ââ¬ËVictorious is the conquerer of unconquered kings, himself invincible as a veritable battle-axe of the God of Death' Tiger Slayer Type At the height of his power, Samudragupta now starts living the Royal life and his coins depict his Royal Stature for the populace. This coin is very unique in its style ââ¬â for the first time in Indian history a coin shows a king as a brave and powerful king, killing the powerful Tiger. On the observe the King is standing on the left, wearing ceremonial turban and dhoti, drawing his bow and aiming at an open mouthed tiger which rears up in front of him as he tramples on it, legend Vyaghraparakramah at right, crescent above lion's head. On the reverse Raja Samudraguptah, in field right, the goddess Ganga standing on the left, on an elephant-headed fish (makara), she holds a long-stemmed lotus in left hand, her empty right hand is outstretched and a crescent topped standard decked with ribbons is in field. The progressive change is seen on these coins with regard to the design, execution and content. There is no trace of foreign influence. Asvamedha Type The Asvamedha coins of Samudragupta are probably one of most beautifully executed coin designs in all of Indian numismatics. The Asvamedha ceremony or horse sacrifice was a way for Samudragupta to celebrate the victories of his conquests of Northern, Western and Southern India. These coins were probably handed out as commemorative tokens during this hold ceremony and were probably not used as part of commerce. This may be the reason that Asvamedha coins discovered 2000 years later are still in good condition. This particular coin is a very rare variety of the Asvamedha type. The Queen is shown in the reverse as a Pregnant Queen. On the observe, A beautiful rendition of the horse, tied to a yupa, the letter si (short for siddham). Horse standing on the platform vedi. Penons of cloth flying from the top of _the yupa over the horse. Circular Legend: Rajadirajah pritvimavitva divam _jayatayahritavajimedhah (The King of Kings, who had performed the Vajimedha (Asvamedha) sacrifice, wins heaven after protecting (or conquering) the earth). On the reverse, Pregnant Queen (Queen Dattadevi) shown standing next to Yupa, holding a Chauri in hand and standing on a Lotus. Asvamedhaparakramah (One powerful enough to perform the Asvamedha Sacrifice). Lyrist Type On the observe, the king is shown sitting over a couch keeping a veena on his lap. He has only a waist cloth with big earrings and a necklace. The legend Mahadhiraja Sri Samudragupta is seen. The reverse of the coin depicts a goddess standing. Samudraguptaââ¬â¢s personal accpomplishments as a musician is fully confirmed in this coin. The goddess, therefore, must be Saraswati as she is the muse for music in Indian Mythology. The Tiger Slayer and Lyrist type are the best specimens of Samudraguptaââ¬â¢s coins with regard to his non- regal activities. With these coins, we can say that India had set her standard in the science of Art and Minting. Kacha Type On the observe, the king is shown standing, holding a standard which has a chakra on the top of it. He sprinkles incense on the altar. The legend reads, kacha after conquering the earth, conquers heaven by means of good deeds. On the reverse, goddess Lakshmi is shown standing. She holds both a lotus and a cornucopia. The legend reads, the exterminator of all kings. Coins of Chandragupta II Archer type This is the most common type coin. The observe shows the king holding a bow and arrow, while he is offering incenses to the altar. Besides him there is a standard with a garuda on the top. The legend shows Chandra. The reverse side shows Lakshmi holding a lotus and a cornucopia. The legend reads Srivikramah. The archer type has 2 varieties, the throne reverse and the lotus reverse. Couch Type These types of coins are rarely found and issued in the early kingââ¬â¢s reign. On the observe, the king is seen seated on a couch, holding a lotus in one hand and resting the other on the couch. The king is wearing a waist cloth and jewellery and is completely Indianised. The legend reads Rupakriti and Vikramadityasya. The reverse side shows goddess Lakshmi seated on the couch with a lotus and a cornucopia in her hands with her feet on the footstool. The legend reads Srivikramah. These coins depict the kingââ¬â¢s success and prosperity and are an expression of his physical and cultural qualifications. Chhatra Type Lion Slayer Type These coins represent a large variety of specimens. On the observe side of these coins, the king is dressed as a hunter, killing a lion. The legend reads, Narendrachandra Sinha Vikrmamah. On the reverse, goddess Durga is seated on a lion. It may be noted that Samudraguptaââ¬â¢s Tiger slayer type signified his conquest of Bengal whereas Chandraguptaââ¬â¢s Lion slayer type signify his conquest of the Gujarat region. Silver Coins Chandragupta II was the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins. After conquering the Ksatrapa kingdoms in western India, Chandragupta started issuing silver coins which were very similar to the local currency in the region ââ¬â the silver Ksatrapa coinage. The observe of these coins show the kingââ¬â¢s bust with the date of the Gupta era. On the reverse, the symbol of the Saka coins is replaced by the figure of the garuda. These silver coins are very rare and few in number. They are mostly found in the western region of his empire. Copper Coins Chandragupta II Vikramaditya was again the first to issue copper coins. Generally on these coins, the king is seen on the observe and the garuda on the reverse with variations in their figures. Evidence shows that there was also a Chhatra type of copper coin. There were in all 9 types of copper coins. Copper coinage had not evolved to its maximum and they were also very rare and hard to find. Thus, the innovations in the coinage of Chandragupta II Vikramaditya comprise of gold, silver as well as copper coins. This was a remarkable progress in the art of coinage. Coins of Kumaragupta I Kumaragupta I reined from 414 A. D to 455 A. D. Historical evidence shows that he was also called Sakraditya and Mahendraditya. The power and the glory of the Guptas were at its peak and attained great heights under Kumaragupta. Besides other political, economical, social and administrative works, he is noted for the large number of coins he issued. The types and varieties of coins that he issued reflect the extent of the territory in which the coins were in circulation. He mainly issued gold, silver and copper coins. A few types of coins issued by Kumaragupta I are as follows : Archer type They were of different variety and types. The legends which appear on the observe are Kumara, Maharajadhiraja Sri Kumaraguptah, etc. While the reverse side bears a single legend, Sri Mahendrah. Swordsman type This was a type of innovation carried out by Kumaragupta I. The observe side of this new coin shows the king wearing a waist cloth and jewellery. He is seen casting incense on the altar with one hand and the other hand is on the sword that is tied at his waist. A garuda is seen on the left side and a legend is inscribed on it. The reverse side of this new type of coin shows goddess Lakshmi seated on a lotus. She is seen with a lotus in her hand and a garuda is shown along with a legend which is similar to the one on the observe. Horseman Type The observe shows the king riding a horse and it has a variety of legends. The reverse side shows the goddess Lakshmi seated on a wicker stool with a lotus with a long stalk in her hand and there is a uniform legend, Agitamahendrah. This is consistent on all the varieties of this type. Lion Slayer Type The observe side shows the king wearing a waist cloth with a sash. He is also wearing jewellery. He is shooting a lion with a bow in one hand. The reverse side shows goddess Durga seated on a lion, holding a cornucopia and a lotus in her hands. The legend on the reverse is _Sri Mahendrasinhah or Sinha Mahendrah. _Varieties in this type are seen mainly in terms of legends which are differently attributed in excellent, flowery language. Tiger Slayer Type Like Samudragupta and Chandragupta II, Kumaragupta also issued both the tiger slayer and the lion slayer coins. They were similar to his predecessors but due to evolution of new techniques, skills and styles, these coins were more skilfully and meaningfully carved. On the observe we see the king wearing a head dress, waist cloth and jewellery and is shown in action of shooting a tiger. The bow is held in the right hand and the left hand is shown drawing the string of the bow. His right foot is shown trampling the tiger. The legend shown is Srimam Vyaghraybala parakramah ââ¬â ââ¬Ëthe glorious king, whose strength and valour is like that of a tigerââ¬â¢. The reverse shows goddess Durga in a standing position. She is holding a long stalked lotus in her left hand and is feeding a peacock some fruit with her right hand. The legend reads as Kumaraguptadhiraja. The most outstanding feature of this coin is that for the first time a peacock is has been used in a Gupta coin. This was a new trend started by Kumaragupta. Peacock / Kartikeya Type Elephant Rider Type The king is shown on the observe holding a goad in his right hand and is seen seated on an elephant. Behind him is an attendant holding an umbrella over him. The reverse shows goddess Lakshmi standing on a lotus flower and also holding a lotus in her left hand. Kumaraguptaââ¬â¢s gold coins were more skilful and refined. Though gold was the chief metal used, he even issued silver coins. Silver Coins Kumaragupta I issued silver coins in abundance. His silver coins are classified in 4 categories or classes with some varieties in each. The coins in the class I category was similar to Chandragupta II. The obverse had traces of corrupt Greek letters and a well executed garuda was shown on the reverse. In class II, one can see that the features of the Ksatrapas are done away with. Also the Greek letters from the obverse and the garuda from the reverse are omitted. Class III marked the return of Kushana features. The Greek letters are reframed and well executed and the garuda is seen with all body, no neck and prominent wings on the obverse. On the reverse a legend is inscribed. In the class IV coins all Ksatrapa features were omitted. The obverse was changed by eliminating Greek letters and replacing them with a Brahmi date. A peacock that is the vehicle of the god Kartikeya of whom Kumaragupta was a devotee was shown. Later on class V of coins was introduced. They were silver plated and had a copper core. This lead to the debasement of silver. Copper Coins Coins of Skandagupta Skandagupta, the son of Kumaragupta reigned from 455 A. D to 467 A. D. He was considered the sole hero of this dynasty. The Junagadh pillar inscription and the Bhitari pillar inscription gives us a detailed account about the life, succession, history and achievements of Skandagupta. Although the standard of coins decreased, the issuing of new coins did not. He issued different types of coins both in gold and silver. Archer Type On the observe, the king is seen holding a bow and arrow with a garuda to his right. The reverse shows goddess Lakshmi with a lotus with the legend Sri Skandagupta. This is the most common type of gold coin. King and Lakshmi Type On the observe he king is shown with a bow, arrow and a lady who is not the queen, but is goddess Lakshmi, with a garuda between them. On the reverse, again we can see goddess Lakshmi with a lotus in one hand. This type of coin is also called the King and Queen Type. Some historians say that they are somewhat similar to the Chandragupta type coins of Samudragupta, but this is not entirely true. Silver Coins Mainly 3 types; Garuda, Bull and Archer type. Coins of other Gupta Emperors Coinage of the Guptas was at its peak during the reign of Samudragupta, Chandragupta II Vikramaditya, Kumaragupta I and Skandagupta. After these rulers, the Gupta coinage saw a downward graph. After Skandagupta, Purugupta also issued gold coins of the Archer type. He also issued the Horseman type of coins. Kumaragupta II succeeded Purugupta. He took an active interest in issuing coins. He promoted minting of coins even during the lean days of the empire. Once again we see that his most commonly issued coins were of the Archer type. The reign of Buddhagupta is very important in the history of Gupta coinage because it is the rediscovery of the pride and prestige of the Gupta coinage after the dark ages it went through. He issued rare silver coins. Though the coins of the later Guptas reflect the decline of the dynasty and the art of coinage, one can see evidently that each ruler tried his best to continue the tradition of issuing coins of various types and forms. Conclusion A detailed study of the Gupta coinage reveals the outstanding features of the Gupta dynasty. The contribution of the Guptas to the field of coinage was remarkable and greatly appreciated. Though the art of coinage started very early, it reached its zenith in the classical age of the Guptas. The contribution of the gupta coins is of great help in the reconstruction of the history of ancient India. It not only serves as the numismatical evidence but also gives us an insight into the political, social, economic, cultural and religious life of that age. These coins give us knowledge about the various titles which were given to the various Gupta rulers, like, Vikramaditya, Maharajadhiraja, etc. Coins also reveal names of some unknown rulers. They also reveal the names of their queens, their sons and other family members. The coins also help us to fix the chronology and they give us dates and periods and other details. For example, Coins of Samudragupta give us exact dates of the various events that took place during his rule. The coins tell us about the territorial expansion of the empire. The economic advancement can also be gauged as per the number of gold coins found. These coins also throw some light on the dress, ornaments, furniture, weapons and general lifestyle of that time. The tiger slayer and lion slayer type of coins tells us about the passion of hunting of the rulers. The horseman and elephant type of coins reveal the love for riding and the lyrist type shows us the musical side of Samudragupta. Gupta coins are finally studied as pieces of art as they are the finest examples of Numismatic Art in India. Even though other dynasties issued coins they lacked the style and technique, skill and quality of the Guptas that are considered, so far, as the best Indian works in the field of coinage in Indian history. Hence, they are rightly quoted as the landmark in the field of ancient Indian coinage. Bibliography ?Samel, Elements of Archaeology, Museology & Library Sciences, Manan Prakashan, Mumbai, 2007 ? Parmeshwari Lal Gupta, Coins, National Book trust, India, 1969 ? A. S. Altekar, Coinage of the Gupta Empire, Numismatics Society of India, India.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Battle Of The Sexes
One of the conflicting issues that helps keep the world revolving is the difference between the male and female sex. For centuries, the conflict that arises from each sexââ¬â¢s differences has caused disputes and quarrels that stem from the inability to understand the characteristics of men and women. In Houstonââ¬â¢s story, the differences in genders are depicted in a scenario that gives rise to clashes between the male and female sex. Men and women both have their differences in viewpoints and tendencies, but it is through those discrepancies and experiences when dealing with the differences that perspective is gained. Houstonââ¬â¢s story, ââ¬Å"How to Talk to a Hunterâ⬠, gives many examples of the differences between men and women, and shows how those differences lead to conflict. She is also submissive to her husband which is a gender trait that is apparent in many women in society, however is a trait that is conflicting for some women and is made an issue that has been fought to be overcome for centuries. Though both sexes enjoy playing the game of love, some aspects that each sex has defined for themselves has led to the label that men are narrow-minded and cannot see outside the box. This means that once they have their heart set on one thing, nothing else seems to matter and they are not open to the possibilities that surround them. Houston stresses not only the emotional differences between men and women, but also the mental differences between them. This illustrates the inner desire of men that is exposed only in the privacy of oneââ¬â¢s home.... Free Essays on Battle Of The Sexes Free Essays on Battle Of The Sexes One of the conflicting issues that helps keep the world revolving is the difference between the male and female sex. For centuries, the conflict that arises from each sexââ¬â¢s differences has caused disputes and quarrels that stem from the inability to understand the characteristics of men and women. In Houstonââ¬â¢s story, the differences in genders are depicted in a scenario that gives rise to clashes between the male and female sex. Men and women both have their differences in viewpoints and tendencies, but it is through those discrepancies and experiences when dealing with the differences that perspective is gained. Houstonââ¬â¢s story, ââ¬Å"How to Talk to a Hunterâ⬠, gives many examples of the differences between men and women, and shows how those differences lead to conflict. She is also submissive to her husband which is a gender trait that is apparent in many women in society, however is a trait that is conflicting for some women and is made an issue that has been fought to be overcome for centuries. Though both sexes enjoy playing the game of love, some aspects that each sex has defined for themselves has led to the label that men are narrow-minded and cannot see outside the box. This means that once they have their heart set on one thing, nothing else seems to matter and they are not open to the possibilities that surround them. Houston stresses not only the emotional differences between men and women, but also the mental differences between them. This illustrates the inner desire of men that is exposed only in the privacy of oneââ¬â¢s home....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Artificial intelligence in home automation
Artificial intelligence in home automation Abstract-Home automation is on horizon. It is an emerging technology and also a need of today. From the last decade a number of standards have been defined for home appliances. The main objectives of home automation are controlling, management and co-ordination of home appliances in a comfortable, effective and secure way. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence is evolving as a technology for developing automatic systems that can perceive the environment, learn from environment, and can make decision using case-based reasoning. Using Vision capability, knowledge-based, learn ability, decision making and reasoning the AI provides a better solution for almost all automatic systems. In this paper we will see the types of home automation systems and then see how these system can utilize the AI tools so as to increase the effectiveness, powerfulness etc. Index TermsHome automation, artificial intelligence, knowledge base systems, secure home. INTRODUCTION One definition of an automated and networked home is An automated and networked home is one in which every appliance can be remotely managed from anywhere on the Internet with a simple Web browser The general goal of the automatic-home movement is to use networking technology to integrate the devices, appliances and services found in homes so that the entire domestic living space can be controlled centrally or remotely [6]. Home wiring, the advance home developers are installing, typically adds several thousand dollars to the cost of a new home, and it is usually Ethernet or coaxial cable or some combination of both with other technologies in the mix. The network is being designed to make possible remote operation of appliances connected to the network. A. Services Provided by the Home Automation System Comfortable A home automation system provides a large number of services which can broadly classified into following four categories: 1) le management of appliances 2) Remote controlling of appliances 3) Efficient utilization of home resources 4) Enhancing home security Comfortable management includes automatic adjustment of AC(air conditioning) setting, fan regulation setting etc. Remote controlling services include accessing devices from remote location and setting them ON/OFF. Efficient utilization includes running the home appliances at their optimal setting (setting at which we get the required output at minimum cost). Last category of service includes all those services which are used for securing the home environment. In this paper we will see the implementation of all these categories of services one by one and will see the application of AI techniques in implementation. In Section-II we will see AI techniques Knowledge-based system very briefly. Section-III covers the issues concerned with home automation. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS (KBS) AI is the collection of powerful and rigorous programming techniques studying the nature of intelligence by building computer systems, and the application of these concepts in solving real-world problems. The growth in the areas of AI has been increased significantly from the last decade. There exist a number of AI tools that make an automation system more sophisticated but here we will discuss the knowledge-based systems only as it is used frequently. Knowledge Based System: A knowledge-based system (KBS) is an AI based system that contains a significant amount of knowledge in an explicit, declarative form. The area of KBS development has matured over the past two decades. It started with first-generation expert systems with a single flat knowledge base and a general reasoning engine, typically built in a rapid-prototyping fashion. This has now been replaced by methodological approaches that have many similarities with general software engineering practice. KBS development is best s een as software engineering for a particular class of application problems. These applications problems typically require some form of reasoning to produce the required results. In current business practice there is an increasing need for such systems, due to progression of information technology in our daily work. For home automation, knowledge-based systems can provide the base to store the user preferences and managing the home appliances accordingly. PRELIMINARIES If we talk home automation, there are following three main issues: 1) How to connect home appliances and apparatus 2) How to make two home appliances to communicate to each other 3) How to control and manage home appliances As far as first issue is concerned, a number of standards have been developed for interconnecting the home devices and apparatus in a network so as to make their management much easier and comfortable. Summarized from a following are the main networking technologies used for connecting devices in home environment: 1) Direct cable connection 2) Bluetooth Connection 3) Phone Line 4) Ethernet 5) Radio (Free) Network 6) AC Network So we can connect the entire home devices by selecting any of the above-mentioned network technologies. Apart from connecting devices, the second issue regarding the home automation is how to make two devices communicate to each other. For handling this issue a number of standards have been developed. Summarized from there are following leading communication technologies in home environment: 1) UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) devices 2) X-10 based devices 3) Infrared devices 4) Bluetooth Devices 5) IP based devices All these technologies are well matured and have well settled standards. But, in this paper we will skip it as this is not of our concern. Now we move toward third issue i.e. how to manage and control the home appliances which is the issue we are concerned with. This issue can be handles in two ways. First, by using traditional digital and microprocessor-based systems like discussed in Second method for this is by using the sophisticated processing of artificially intelligent agents. If we consider the first choice, then it is somewhat more common but at the cost of time efficiency as well as feature limitations. On the other hand AI based technique provides more efficient and featured services like easy video and audio processing, easy reasoning etc. In this paper we will concentrate on the third issued of home automation i.e. management of home appliances and particularly, AI based home appliance controlling and management. MANAGING HOME APPLIANCES FOR COMFORTABILITY As discussed in Section-I, the first service that a user expect from the home automation system is the comfortable management of devices. e.g. the regulator setting of AC depends upon the temperature of the room. As the temperature increases the AC regulation rating (hence cooling rate) also need to be increased. Some features of such systems are: 1) These are closed loop systems 2) Sensors are transducers and other mechanisms for sensing the current proximity condition e.g. sensing the room temperature 3) Actuators are simply the mechanism to change the environment according to the control signals received from the knowledge base. 4) Knowledgebase (KB) is the centralized part of the system and is the main part to discuss here. This KB system can be implemented by using simple digital circuitry as discussed in [17] or using microprocessor systems as discussed in [11] but both suffer from the problem of manual setting. In both the system user has to decide and change the threshold setting whenever there is a change in the environment. E.g. in summer AC is used to down the temperature while in winter the same are used to up the temperature. So, user has to change the setting when season changes because the system cant learn from its experience. But using the KB system having learning capability, system can adjust the threshold setting as it gets the experience in its environment. For this system we need a KB system that can learn from the experience that what is comfortable temperature for the home users and can adjust the setting of AC and fan regulator accordingly. CONTROLLING HOME APPLIANCES FROM REMOTE LOCATION The second feature provided by the home automation system is the remote access to devices and their management. E.g. suppose you are going back to your home and it will take 20 minutes to reach your home. Now, you want to on you find your home with comfortable temperature. In such a scenario you need to access your home appliances and also to control them from remote location. Following are main points to consider about this class of systems: 1) Authorizer and Receiver is an electronic system capable to receive the control signal. As discussed in Section-II there exist a number of such systems any of them can be used for this purpose. One important thing about this system is that it requires some authorization mechanism to ensure that the request is authorized one. For this purpose we can use some cryptographic techniques to encode and decode the request so that only authorized user can access the network. 2) The decision maker system is an AI based agent that can decide what action should be taken in response to received query. E.g. suppose user just put the query that the room temperature should be x0 c. Now, this is the Decision Maker that will identify from its experience that the AC will maintain this temperature. And then it will determine setting of AC regulator corresponding to this particular temperature. Of course, the same system can be implemented by some electronic circuitry but that will be more complex, less flexible and less featured as compared to this learning based (case based) AI agent system. 3) The third component of this system i.e. Actuator is similar to the action implementer in the previous system. So, we will not discuss anything about this here. EFFICIENT UTILIZATION OF HOME APPLIANCES This application of home automation system is not as common as discussed two applications. But, on the other hand if the automation system is applied in the industrial environment then it becomes the more prominent and beneficial feature of the automation system E.g. Suppose the AC of your office (or room) is ON but you are not in your room from last three hours. Then why the AC is still ON? This is just wastage of power. As said already, this power wastage is not much in case of home appliances but in industries power saving is one of the major cost-cutting factor. So, for implementing this we need a system that can OFF the AC if it found that there is no person from the last significant time. We said here the word significant as the exact time cant be determined and depends upon the scenario (like for bedroom the AC should down OFF if there is no person for one hour while in waiting room the AC should go down when there is no person from last two hours). In such a scenario, we are supposed to have some automation system that can continuously pole the environment and can decide the appropriate action whenever needed. These systems should fast enough for responsiveness and effectiveness. The working of the components of the system is as follows: 1) The status poller continuously senses the environment conditions and forwards the sensed condition-factors to analyzer and knowledge-based database. 2) The Analyzer receives the current environmental condition from poller and with the help of the knowledge base database, it analyses the variation in the environment. Now, depending upon the variation Analyzer gives the instruction to Actuator. 3) Again here the actuator is similar to the actuator discussed in previous sections. The major differentiating factor of this system from previously discussed systems is that this is sequential while previous one was atomic, because, in this system the action to be taken depends upon the present and previous environmental conditions. SECURE HOMES The last major application provided by the home automation system is to provide the home security. This is the most complex home automation system. The description of how system works is as follows: 1) Security sensors sense the environment for security threat. 2) The analyzer and synthesizer analyses the data received from the sensors and filter out any security threat. If it found any security threat, then it sends the sufficient information to reasoning system. 3) The Reasoning system apply the reasoning for detecting whether the security threat is really a threat, if yes then it fires the security alert system for alerting the user about this security threat by analyzer. 4) This analyzer is same as used at the second stage but opposite in nature. The previous converts the physical information into digital form while later one converts the digital information back to physical form to alert the user. APPLICATION OF AI IN HOME AUTOMATION Now, in this Section we will concentrate on the application of AI in all the four forms of home automation system one by one. A. Use of AI in Comfortable Systems In these systems the application of AI is limited as most of the part can be easily implemented using some electronic circuitry. Here the only part where the AI is effective is the knowledge-based database which should be learnable (as discussed previously) for system to be truly comfortable. Since AI tools are little bit costly it will increase the cost of the system but will make the system more comfortable, flexible, easy updatable etc. B. Use of AI in Remote Controlling Systems In these systems AI can be applied in the authorizer as well decision maker stage. Applying AI at the authorizer will increase the responsiveness and security and is more applicable when the environment under consideration is an industry where security is a major concern (e.g. Banks). On the other hand, Decision making part can utilize the case ba sed reasoning of AI for effective and efficient management as it has to decide that which of the target device is corresponding to this particular instruction.C. Use of AI in Optimizing the Resource Performance In this system AI can used to implement knowledge base as discuss for previous systems and for Analyzer as it makes it more efficient in deciding the particular action. Moreover, if analyzer is learnable from its experience then it will make the system more optimized.D. Use of AI in Secure Systems The biggest use of AI is in these systems. Here we can apply following tools of AI for various applications: 1) Video Processing for security threat analysis 2) Image Processing for security threat analysis 3) Audio processing for security threat analysis 4) Knowledge base system for Security system database 5) Case-based reasoning for analyzer and synthesizer 6) Decision Making in Security Checking and Decision making So these systems use the AI exhaustibly. Presently, even though, different technologies are used for implementing these systems but in the near future AI will be the only implementation technique behind these systems as it is proved to be more sophisticated and effective tool for listed applications. CONCLUSION In this paper we started our discussion with home automation system by defining four major applications of these systems which are comfortability, remote control, optimal resource utilization and security. After that we see the detailed structure of home automation for implementing these services one by one explaining the working of each system and use of heuristic-based tools in these systems. At the last we discuss about the applications of AI tools in all four types of home automation systems. From this discussion it is clear that AI is emerging as a very useful and applicable technology for Home automation. On the other hand, home automation systems provide AI a vast range of Application.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
New Test Development Project Risk Monitoring and Control Assignment
New Test Development Project Risk Monitoring and Control - Assignment Example Basically, the project monitoring and evaluation in this project management are meant to provide objective and reliable up to date information about the progress of the project and as such helps eliminate unnecessary risks. Four basic indicator systems will be used in the project monitoring and control which includes; Schedule Performance Monitoring, Program Metrics, Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) and Earned Value (EV) (Kerzner, 2006). An in-depth monitoring and control of scheduled risks will be conducted to gauge the extent of the damages caused by such risks if any will be undertaken during the project implementation. After 30days, the project management staff will conduct a scheduled performance monitoring indicator to establish whether the time allowed for a risk that may occur as a result of the delay caused by the NATA in granting accreditation of the assays was within the acceptable limits. This process will be done to ensure that the overall implementation period of the project is not compromised by risks caused by NATA. The project monitoring and control tool will also be used to check the effectiveness of the rejection of the risk to proceed to offer service without NATA accreditation. The process will find out if adopting the risk would have dented the image of a project as earlier been presumed. There are other risks such as technical risks that have been identified as possible causes of delays in the implementation of this project. However, program metrics and earned value (EV) are some of the indicator approaches that will be used to monitor and control the adopted response strategies. The project has adopted risks such as the failure of assay design, challenged validation report by NATA assessor and service redundancy. Likewise, during the implementation of the project risk monitoring will be done against the above-named risks to estimate the effectiveness of the decision of adopting them.Ã
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